The pandemic has been an eye opener of sorts. No one had expected that this notorious virus will bring devastation to humanity to the extent and magnitude that was witnessed, and sadly it is not over yet. Like many people, initially I too I had felt anxious, confused, and directionless when life came to a screeching halt. This was a disruption that no one had predicted or was prepared for.
Most of the times we humans operate on autopilot and enjoy our status quo positions. But now we are forced to pause to and think about our life in general. It has been over 18 months since the start of the pandemic and looking back I feel sorry for the lives lost, the upheaval it has caused in people’s lives and at the same time I believe that it was nature’s way of forcing us to pause and reflect on our lives, our goals, objectives, values and priorities. Personally, for me, this situation has provided an opportunity to mindfully reflect on where I am at and where I would like to be. I have begun to mindfully question how I have lived my life. The choices and decisions I have made, the mistakes and errors that have happened along the way and the pleasant and unpleasant experiences and relationships that have come along the way.
Through the process of active self dialogue, self reflections, and self awareness, I have come to a few conclusions about life. I must say that the process to come to these conclusions was not easy but what an experience it was! I can say with all honesty that I have reached a position in my cognitive space where I have started to believe that the present is a present (gift) that I should cherish and enjoy. I have learned to embrace life circumstances and experiences, learned to respect and nurture relationships whole heartedly. But most importantly I have now learned to let go and free myself from self imposed mental bondages and barriers. I feel liberated knowing that I have forgiven myself and others for the mistakes made, for the hard feelings that I have nursed. I have learned to embrace my own being in body and spirit and have come to a realisation that self acceptance is paramount.
I feel grateful for the simple pleasures of life, for my family, close friends and well wishers. I feel grateful for every single breath, every morsel of food, for every step I walk. Covid-19 pandemic has taught me a valuable lesson i.e. to embrace myself and others and accept the imperfections that life has offered me. I can say that the practising mindfulness is an art and a science, and it has helped me reach a stage of calmness and serenity in my body and mind.