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Tara Syed

How to navigate midlife?

Middle age is supposedly an age of transition and could create crisis in one’s life. It can feel like a rude awakening for many who may have been attuned to lead lives in an auto pilot mode.

Most often the crisis could emanate from questioning one’s identity and purpose in life. Women in general may feel anxious, depressed, irritable and angry. Many women feel a sense of emotional turbulence, mood fluctuations, dwindling energy levels and partly this may be attributed to hormonal imbalances. They might find themselves ruminating over the past incidents, event and situations. These thoughts though unhelpful may generally be real and would cause her to experience remorse, regret and distress in general.

It is a time of life when one could benefit from unlearning and relearning how to navigate one’s self, relationships and life. I believe it’s a crossroad of life where you would be faced with a choice of what you want to hold on to and what you could let go. It is a time for self exploration and reflection, I quote Drew Gerald “ Look outside and you will see yourself. Look inside and you will find yourself.”

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